
To noth or not to noth - is that the question?

Sunday 3 October 2010

No-One: the illusion of self/soul/identity/ego

...................................................... Who Are You? ....................................................



'Call me Legion, for we are many' Mark 5.9, The Bible.

The reality is that we are not purely individuals, we are encoded protein structures that begin growing when seed fertilizes egg, and everything else we invent about ourselves is more or less an illusion formed by perception, language, and memory: the illusion of self, the illusion of identity, the illusion of ego. Shattering these illusions is the first step in the path towards the psychedelic epiphany” Psychedelic Information Theory.

"The idea of 'self' is an illusion. You are nothing more than a creation of genes and memes in a unique environment. Memes are ideas, skills, habits, stories, songs or inventions that are passed from person to person by imitation. They have shaped our minds, leading to the evolution of big brains and language because these served to spread the memes. But the memes with the cleverest trick are those that persuade us that our 'selves' really exist. We all live our lives as a lie. The memes have made us do it - because giving us the illusion of 'self' helps them to survive and spread" Susan Blackmore, New Scientist 13th March 1999.

The usual state of affairs is to be in a tenable position in phantasy systems of a nexus. This is usually called having an ‘identity’ or 'personality’. We never even dream of extricating ourselves ... By untenable, I mean that it is impossible to leave and impossible to stay” R.D. Laing ‘Self and Others’ (1961)

anattā (Pāli) or anātman (Sanskrit: अनात्मन्) = 'no soul' or 'not-self' [Buddha]

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